
  • Inline Engine
  • Liquid Fuel
  • 3,155 - 4,750 kW

Revolutionizing Power Generation

Crafted with You in Mind

Through close dialogue and collaboration with our customers and expert service organization, we’ve gain invaluable insights that shape the development of our cutting-edge solutions.

Boasting over 70 years of expertise, Bergen’s latest B33:45L engine features power capabilities reaching 600kW per cylinder. This engine is designed to deliver unrivaled performance, setting new benchmarks in efficiency while lowering life-cycle costs for our customers.

Unlocking the Potential of Medium-Speed Engines

Bergen’s B33:45 engine stands as a testament to innovation. Purpose-built for land-based applications, the inline medium-speed lean-burn unit generates up to 5MW of mechanical power. Equipped with state-of-the-art combustion technology, it ensures optimal efficiency and unparalleled load responsiveness.

Additionally, it’s engineered to meet the most stringent emission standards, while maximizing electrical and heat recovery efficiency, all while guaranteeing extreme reliability.

Key Benefits of Bergen's B33:45L

  • World-Class Efficiencies
  • 600kW Mechanical Output per Cylinder
  • World-Class Fuel Consumption
  • Exceptionally Low Emissions
  • Modular Design for Seamless Scaling
  • Low Lifecycle Costs
  • Excellent Load Responsiveness
  • Convertible to Gas Fuel Operation with Bergen's B3X Platform


Future Fuels

Our customers are making long-term investments when planning their next project, yet uncertainties loom regarding future fuel availability, costs, and regulatory landscapes, including potential CO2 taxes. That’s why Bergen Engines’ modular design prioritizes fuel flexibility, enabling customers to navigate these uncertainties with confidence.

This flexibility ensures reliability and top efficiency ratings for our engines, regardless of the fuel type they choose to operate with today, providing peace of mind and longevity to their investments. Learn more about Bergen Engines’ ongoing research with Hydrogen, Methanol, Biofuels and Ammonia.

Explore Future Fuels

On Land.

50 Hz, 750 rpm

Electrical Output (kW)

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