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This autumn, Bergen Engines welcomed 16 new apprentices and students to begin their training and gain hands-on experience in their respective fields.
From highly technical skills in our factory and students on the Technical and General Subject program (Tekniske og Almenne Fag – TAF), to internships in our finance and engineering teams; welcome to Bergen Engines!
The 2022 program has now grown to 21 apprentices and with eight students on the TAF program. Training is an important part of Bergen Engines’ company values; to teach, offer guidance, and become the workers of the future.
How the apprentice program is organized
The new apprentices have settled into their departments following a welcome program. The program introduces them to the company, the work we do and allows them time to decide where they would like to be and what they would like to learn while at Bergen Engines. This ensures that the start of their program is of the best quality and gives them the freedom to adjust their focus area, if required.
Speaking on the strengths of our apprenticeship program, Training Manager Magne Jarle Myhr says,
“The quality of our apprenticeship training is very important to us, and the organization of the program is one of our greatest strengths. We have many highly competent professionals who are operating the daily trainings and vocational learning for the program, so the apprentices are well integrated with our employees in the workshop.”
Myhr also handles the administrative work of the program, including recruitment, applications, contracts and creating plans for their individual trainings. Afterward, he spends time to ensure these plans are followed and that the proper documentation is covered, as required.
The apprentices of Bergen Engines have their own department in the company, with a dedicated manager who is responsible for ensuring that they receive the training they are entitled to, according to the Training Act and its regulations. Each course of the apprenticeship program has its own curriculum drawn by the Directorate of Education, and Bergen Engines has their own employed instructors who take part in the daily training.
First year
In their first year, TAF-students will have three days of school and two days of work at Bergen Engines. Two students currently in the program, Ingeborg and Håvard, have just started their apprenticeship program and are optimistic about their future at Bergen Engines as they’re already beginning to see the perks. They both noted, “the fun part is that it’s not that much school, and you spend time learning how to use new machines.” Even in their first month, Ingeborg and Håvard have hands-on experience learning how to operate the latest technology to make a product, such as these dices.
First year TAF-students, Ingeborg and Håvard.
After completing three years of high school, Eirik is now an apprentice in automation. He chose Bergen Engines because of his interest in the automation field and may pursue a career in electrical engineering someday, where the skills he learns as an apprentice would be directly applicable. “There is a lot to get a grip on in the beginning,” Eirik mentioned, “but it’s great that I’ll have quality work experience from the start.”
Apprentice in the automation course, Eirik.
Bergen Engines around the world
Bergen Engines Ibérica have their own apprentice program in partnership with a school in Tarragona, Spain just south of Barcelona. The students of mechatronics in the dual training module take part in an internship as a part of their final year of study.
Markel Fernández, Workshop and Facility Manager at Bergen Engines Ibérica, serves as a tutor for the apprentices in Spain.
“The dual training experience has been more than positive for us,” he said. “We hope it has been equally positive for the students who have participated, as they have been able to gain first-hand experience related to the studies they are completing. As a company, it allows us to see first-hand the potential and capabilities of the younger generation and get new ideas on our day-to-day processes and procedures.”
The apprentices at Bergen Engines Ibérica.
As for the future of the program, Bergen Engines hopes to increase the number of apprentices accepted each year. The quality of their training is a key focus for the company and adding more students to the program would be a benefit for the apprentices and company alike.
Join us as we congratulate our newest TAF-students and apprentices, and welcome them to Bergen Engines.